Reddit is a Playground for Liberal Bullies and Woke Losers

Fuck you and your Reddit groupthink circle-jerk. You are pathetic morons and enemies of free speech. If you really can’t tolerate unpopular opinions, go live in communist China, I’m sure you would fit in really well there!

Reddit is a giant echo chamber filled with the rattling noise of low IQ commentators. Anyone who dares to disagree with the mainstream media approved talking points will be shunned and banned.

Anti-intellectual to the core, Reddit is the community of butt-hurt losers who eventually find their peer support system. These suck-ups and narcissists all participate in vicious downvoting gangs. Reddit is not where meaningful discussions take place.

The typical Redditor fantasizes about winning an imaginary virtue-signaling contest where they try to outcompete each other in the art of sucking WEF globalist dick and declaring how much of a useful idiot they are to the entire world. They literally believe that they are social justice warriors.

Reddit is where the phenomenon of Kakonomics can be observed thriving in its natural environment. These fuckwits are a celebration of mediocrity and low standards. They take great pride in lowering the intellectual bar in all forms of political and social discussion. There is an expectation of a mediocre exchange of ideas, and any enlightening, inspiring, unpopular, or inconvenient truth is met with hostility and contempt.

If you’re like me and enjoy challenging people’s opinions, your account will be banned. I’ve been banned on at least 5 different reddit accounts for simply being unpopular. Reddit’s idiotic voting system ensures that you will follow the crowd, and any outliers or freethinkers will be trampled under the feet of millions of dumb stampeding cattle.

Reddit is a case study in the perils of designing a social media platform that is essentially a popularity contest. What is popular becomes what is “best” and what is “hot” and what is “trending.” Eyeroll. Sigh. Cringe.
Reddit. Stuck on stupid; proud of being on the lower end of the bell curve.

All we can do at this point is pray for Reddit to die a natural death. Unfortunately, there is an ever-increasing amount of “dumb money” being pumped into this carnival of stupidity. Reddit stock has actually gone up since their IPO on the stock exchange. This does not bode well for the internet.