Do not believe these anti-racist grifters who write opinion pieces in liberal news publications about “Colorblind Racism”, for they themselves are the ones who are blind to their own hatred and prejudice. There simply is no better way to achieve societal equality than to be blissfully unaware of peoples supposed racial identity. Despite what mainstream media whores like Google would have you believe, there are still plenty of people who are dedicated to this idea that has been unfairly portrayed as counterproductive.
The colorblind approach to racism works because the idea of race itself is reduced to nothing of significance. Science has shown that race is a social construct, and that it is not genetically meaningful. Why would you go around promoting an idea that has no basis in reality? Yet this is what “anti-racism” demands that we do. Perpetuate this supposed “racial reality”, give it our time and energy. If the goal is to keep racism alive and well, this route would be suitable. For the rest of us, it makes more sense to focus on other topics that are productive and that bring people together organically. The definition of a “racist” should be: One who believes in the idea of race.
Colorblindness encourages people to take personal responsibility for their actions. Racial colorblindness doesn’t encourage us to look at an entire group of people like they are responsible for our situation in life. It doesn’t ask that we foolishly put other people into different categories and assign comically naïve attributes to each one such as oppressed, oppressor, and marginalized.
Colorblindness does not encourage the propagation of harmful stereotypes, such as black people are *, white people are *, why are * so evil, etc. Everyone is different, everyone has suffered. Your life should not be defined by your suffering! No one has a special kind of pain that is worse than anyone else’s pain. Jumping to conclusions about people based on pseudo-scientific bullshit is a dangerous and stupid habit. The truth is, you shouldn’t judge people until you know what they are about.
Colorblindness will not encourage us to check a box indicating what “race” we think we belong to. Everyone will get the same government funding no matter what skin color they have. Colorblindness doesn’t encourage the narcissistic victim mentality that has caused so much division and anger among us.
There is no reason for a person to be proud of their ethnicity or race. We shouldn’t be connected to our race. It makes a person look cringey. Colorblindness encourages us to be proud of who we are and what we can offer to society. It promotes fairness and objectiveness and allows justice to be served equally.
We need unity and community solidarity. We need to start looking at what unites us together. What causes could we be fighting if we weren’t so divided by race? We need a government and an education system that holds us all to the same standard. We need to stop othering each other.
We must stop giving the idea of race the oxygen it needs to survive. And if you really disagree with the colorblind approach, well… you probably are the racist!
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