The Democrats and educated liberal elite are very afraid of racial colorblindness.
An obviously coordinated cultural attack on this idea has escalated in the last few years. The following Google search brings back a list of mainstream media approved articles, because Google’s decision makers are chickenshits and refuse to allow their search engine to show any links that stray from the woke liberal narrative of constantly bashing ‘white’ people while celebrating stupidity and sucking up to minorities and criminals.
“The Problem with Color Blindness and How It Upholds Racism”
There is no problem with racial colorblindness. Dr. MLK Jr. was a staunch supporter of this concept. En Vogue made a hit song about it. Very few people seemed to think racial colorblindness ‘upheld racism’ during the timespan stretching between the civil rights movement up until the early 2010s’. Seriously, how can you take a concept like ‘treating everyone equally’ and call it a ‘problem?’ How brain-dead does a person have to be jump on board with this?
“Is Racial ‘Color–Blindness’ Possible? – The Atlantic”
If racial colorblindness is not possible, then neither is ‘racial awareness’ and ‘racial identity’. I’d expect nothing less from the smug liberal editors at The Atlantic (quite possibly the most woke news outlet in 2024). Obviously racial colorblindness is possible. It is a conscious decision to avoid considering someone’s supposed racial identity when making assumptions, judgements, and decisions about them. How hard is that, really?
We can change the way we think about ourselves, and we can change the way we think about other people. It might not be easy at first, but it is certainly doable. Those who put forth the idea that colorblindness is not possible may also have a hidden agenda as they stand to benefit from the perpetuation of racial tension and racial violence, especially against those groups who pose a threat to the agenda of woke radicals and NGOs.
Attacking ‘racism’ directly would never work, since racism can only happen when race itself is constructed into collective acceptance and assumed to be real. That’s why you must defeat race if you want to defeat racism. You ‘phase out’ the idea of race just like you would phase out any bad habit. You teach children that there is less than 4% genetic difference among humans, instead of encouraging them to check a box indicating what made-up identity to choose from.
“The Myth of Racial Color Blindness: Manifestations…”
The Myth? It’s always a myth when the liberal media have nothing intelligent to say about something. It is either a ‘myth’ or a ‘conspiracy theory’ when the liberal media knows the idea they’re advocating for is wrong.
The real myth is the mainstream media’s objectivity, integrity, and journalistic merit. They gambled it all away when they decided to stop considering opposing viewpoints in favor of aggressively pushing their narrative. Once upon a time the media’s role was to present the public with facts and let them decide what to think about it. Now, the media talk to us like we’re 5-year-olds that must be told how to think, and publicly shame us when we dare to challenge them. Liberal media is so pathetic and desperate, they willingly whore themselves out to the highest bidder.
“Color–Blindness Is a False Panacea | Proceedings…”
Race isn’t real. Racial awareness is a false panacea. It will only lead to more division and segregation. There is no scientific basis for the concept of race. There is no benefit from using it to label or judge people. Everyone is guilty of unconscious bias. Yes dear, even you.
“Why is racial colorblindness counterproductive? | Medium”
Counterproductive? For whom? And what is productive? According to woke mainstream media, productive is being hyper aware of imagined racial injustices. These absurd racial categories we identify as are the problem. Get rid of them, and the whole thing begins to disintegrate. As more and more people lose their attachment to the concept of ‘racial identity’, we could begin to see some real progress.
“5 Studies Debunking the Myth of Racial Colorblindness”
They didn’t “debunk” shit. It is basically 5 studies that were pre-approved by the “Atlanta Black Star.” The Atlanta Black Star is an anti-white hate publication that promotes violence and discrimination against white people. The journalists at this publication seem to think they are incapable of being wrong about anything they say regarding race. They identify strongly with their imaginary victimhood status and see no problem with blaming everything (real or imaginary) on white people. They make idiotic blanket statements about white people that they can’t possibly know. They are racists in all but name. Their newspaper is hot garbage, and it belongs in the dumpster.
“The Case Against Racial Color Blindness in the Workplace”
This is clearly a stupid idea. The workplace is a lot of things. It is about growing a business. It is about productivity and profitability. It is about employing the best candidates for the job. One thing the workplace should never be about is identity politics.
7 Reasons Why ‘Colorblindness… – Everyday Feminism
Colorblindness is far more of a threat to racial justice than White Supremacists (who seem to be quite color conscious).
Racial justice? What exactly is this? What is the scope of this supposed ‘racial justice’ and when will it be over? How will we know when ‘racial justice’ has been completed? With woke racial justice grifters and unqualified DEI hires, the battle for ‘racial justice’ must go on indefinitely, or they will lose their jobs, grants, funding, and sympathy. Real racial justice will be achieved when we stop identifying with race entirely. Being conscious of race will only lead to divisiveness, discrimination, and self-segregation. Nobody of any skin color or culture should ever be encouraged or permitted to promote ‘supremacist’ ideas.
Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism – American…
Colorblindness creates a society that denies their negative racial experiences, rejects their cultural heritage, and invalidates their unique perspectives.
Somehow everything that threatens the woke left eventually becomes attributable to “racism.” Good job, morons, now the word “racism” has absolutely no meaning anymore. Racism is now completely unfalsifiable. Yet the ironic thing is that “anti-racism” is a form of racism, and ‘racism’ itself cannot be proven.
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