We need to talk about Google’s blatant anti-white bias.
Great things black people have done
Great things White people have done
Black people don’t owe you
White people don’t owe you
Celebrating black culture
Celebrating white culture
Black people are amazing
White people are amazing
Black people should work harder
White people should work harder
Blacks too connected to race
Whites too connected to race
Black power is
White power is
Blacks are not responsible
Whites are not responsible
Black nationalism is good
White nationalism is good
Equity Blackness
Equity Whiteness
Blackness is bad
Whiteness is bad
Black people victimhood
White people victimhood
Stare at black people
Stare at white people
Black people won’t be silenced
White people won’t be silenced
A pattern begins to emerge with Google’s search algorithm.
Serving up flattering and apologetic results for “black” searches; extremely negative and contemptuous results for “white” searches. This bias is consistently observed from Google no matter what the search terms are.
If the algorithm is unable to find results that conform to this bias (black=good, white=bad) it will simply report back that no search results were found. This is what happens when you search using special parameters like quotes and wildcards. The problem is that it is blatant censorship and raises disturbing questions about Google’s intentions.